Dear readers,
On Nov. 5, 2013, one of our industry’s significant members, Bob Groh of Geo-Synthetics LLC (the G-SI of Wisconsin, not GSI of Pennsylvania), died in a plane crash. On behalf of myself personally, my company (GSE), and my industry organization, the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA), I extend my deepest sympathy and condolences to Bob’s family, his employees, and all in our industry who knew him.
As a reminder of the relative youth of our industry, its founders and initial participants are primarily still among the living. Bob got involved in geosynthetics early and built a successful company that has done significant work, employed a large number of people, and played an important part in the use of our industry’s materials and in properly managing a large portion of the waste of the (U.S.) Midwest. He stayed active and involved in our industry well beyond the point where financial considerations mandated that he work. Bob enjoyed what he did for a living, was good at it, and understood the contributions that our industry and efforts make to society in general. Beyond the creation of jobs and helping people grow and thrive in their careers, Bob well understood that what the geosynthetics industry does provide, not only for those directly involved, but also for society and the environment in general. The job fit with his philanthropic streak—G-SI being one of the few geosynthetic companies with an annual ongoing charitable event.
Again, we extend our collective sympathies to those who survive Bob and will carry on his work. He will be missed, and his contributions and positive influences on the improvement of the individuals he met and interacted with, and our industry,
are greatly appreciated.
With condolences,
Boyd Ramsey
Chief Engineer–GSE
Chairman, executive council–GMA
Member, executive council–IGS
Member, board of directors–IFAI
Member, board of directors–GSI
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