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GMA’s fall Lobby Day Sept. 18-19

News | June 6, 2013 | By:

Meetings with members of Congress and staff.

The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) will conduct its fall Lobby Day activities Sept. 18–19, 2013.

This biannual Washington, D.C., gathering will include a night out with the GMA membership and its government relations team to a 7 p.m. baseball game Sept. 18, with the homestanding Washington Nationals vs. the Atlanta Braves at Nationals Park. 

The Whitmer & Worrall firm will also coordinate an in-depth congressional staff briefing regarding GMA government relations issues and then conduct a full day of congressional meetings on Capitol Hill with members of Congress and their staffs on Sept. 19.

The 113th Congress is in the midst of important issues for the geosynthetics industry, including potential water resources and coal-ash legislation, and initial work on the next highway bill.

To attend GMA Lobby Day or for more information, contact Lucie Passus:
651 225 6956,

Source: GMA

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