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Answers regarding Geosynthetic Institute specs

News | February 1, 2012 | By:

Editor’s Note: Comments posted on topics from the GMA Techline are answered by Dr. Robert Koerner.


We request you to kindly send us the GRI-approved grades for manufacturing HDPE geomembrane as per GM13.

Dilip, India


The GRI–GM13 specification is a template of required properties for a manufacturer to meet or exceed. If your geomembrane does indeed meet the requirements, you can say so or even have an independent testing laboratory evaluate the material and provide a testing report accordingly. We have several such laboratories that are accredited to do such testing. Please advise if you want such contacts…

Bob Koerner
Geosynthetic Institute and GMA Techline


I appreciate it if I can get GRI–GM13,GRI–GM17, and GRI–GM19, the latest documents.

Liu Liqi
Marketing Director


Dear Techline,

Now, I am testing the HDPE smooth and textured geomembranes, so I need the standard specification and test method, latest document.

If you can, please send me the documents above.

Thank you so much.

Yours sincerely,

Trinh Minh Dat
Vietnam Institute for Building Materials


With regard to both questions the answer is the same. All of our GSI generic specifications are on our website under “Specifications.” They are always the most-recent versions and they are free for all to use accordingly.

Bob Koerner
Geosynthetic Institute and GMA Techline

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