Editor’s Note: A few more online queries arrived regarding liner materials in the article “Background and most recent GRI standards.”
From: Nando
Posted: Oct. 10, 2010
Liner comparison
Dear sir/madam:
Which one is the most-effective liner (including cost, installation, and performance): using single geomembrane (HDPE) liner, compacted clay liner with HDPE layer above, or using geomembrane (HDPE) GCLs?
Please, I need an explanation. Thanks.
From: Abbie Yarger, IFAI Publications web team
Posted: Oct. 11, 2010
RE: Liner comparison
Web team note: We received the following response to your comment from Dr. Robert Koerner of GSI and the GMA Techline:
Regarding cost, the HDPE geomembrane (GM) by itself is the lowest cost, the GM/CCL (compacted clay liner) is the highest cost, and the GM/GCL (geosynthetic clay liner) is intermediate between the two.
Regarding installation, the three options are in the same order.
Regarding performance, there are fundamental differences. Here the GM/GCL is the best in its performance as measured by leakage rates, the GM by itself is the poorest, and the GM/CCL is intermediate.
With regard to the performance comparison, data from 279 landfill cells is available for corroboration. Clearly, composite GM/GCL liners are preferred for containment systems of all types.
Bob Koerner
Geosynthetic Institute and the GMA Techline
From: Nando
Posted: Oct. 14, 2010
RE: Liner comparison
Thanks for the explanation. Really appreciate your help.
Regarding cost factor, can you give me detail price(s) of material and installation for single geomembrane and GM/GCLs? Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
From: Anom
Posted: Oct. 14, 2010
Liner price list
Can I get the latest price for installation of single HDPE liner and GM/GCL? including material price. Is it a big difference (cost) between the two types?
The geomembrane used in GM/GCL, it has the same thickness with the one in single HDPE membrane or not?
From: Ron Bygness, editor, Geosynthetics
Posted: Oct. 15, 2010
RE: Prices and installation
Nando and Anom:
For pricing questions, you are best served by contacting GM and GCL manufacturers, distributors, and installers directly. There are many excellent choices in this regard in the annual Specifier’s Guide.
P.S. The 2011 Specifier’s Guide is now available (1 800 207 0729 or bookstore@ifai.com).
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