To the editor:
There are two GMA Techline responses in the October/November issue of Geosynthetics where additional information may be useful.
Jorge in Mexico asked about Hypalon geomembranes. While Hypalon (CSPE) is no longer manufactured in the U.S., CSPE resin is available from Japan. Burke [Industries Inc.] in San Jose, Calif., continues to make what is now called CSM geomembrane made with CSPE resin.
Also, Danielle in New Jersey asked about stabilizing wet soil so trucks can drive on the surface. A company called TemPark uses a Huesker geogrid/geotextile composite for large area temporary parking on soil surfaces. The rolls of geocomposite are joined using a hook-and-loop strip so the temporary surface can be dismantled and re-used when needed.
I hope this helps.
Ian Peggs
I–Corp. Intl. Inc.
Ocean Ridge, Fla.
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