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GSI Fellowships announced

News | September 30, 2010 | By:

An annual commitment by the Geosynthetic Institute to recognize and reward deserving students in the geosynthetics discipline continued this year.

The third class of GSI Fellows for academic year 2010-2011, as well as ongoing classes, was announced in September.

The fellowship criteria include:

  1. Student must have completed his/her doctoral candidacy examinations.
  2. Student must be researching an innovative topic involving geosynthetics.
  3. Student must express an interest and desire to teach and/or research in the geosynthetic field.

Four of the new proposals (Class 3a below) contained projects that have been awarded. These four, plus two first-class students and one second-class student (continuing their research projects) have been sent stipend checks accordingly.

The current status, including the new third class (click on the chart to enlarge): GSI Fellowships

Source: GSI

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