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PGI is now FGI

News | February 1, 2009 | By:

Members of the PVC Geomembrane Institute (PGI) have voted to expand the range of membership to include those companies that fabricate geomembranes. The changes in membership composition necessitated a change in the name of the association: the PGI will be known as the Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI).

The FGI, like the PGI, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the use of fabricated geomembranes through education, research, and technology transfer. PVC geomembranes will continue to play an important role in the FGI. Research will be expanded to look to include fabricated geomembranes.

The main objectives of the new FGI include conducting research on fabricated geomembranes, disseminating technical information, maintaining a comprehensive Web site and answering technical questions regarding the design, testing, specification, and installation of fabricated geomembranes. The FGI will serve as an informational clearinghouse for fabricated geomembranes.

The first meeting of the Fabricated Geomembrane Institute will be held Feb. 26 at the Geosynthetics-2009 conference in Salt Lake City. For more information, contact Meg C. Griffin, P.E., +1 217-333-3929,

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