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RECP installation demo provided by NAGS, ECTC

News | August 1, 2008 | By:

An installation demonstration of temporary rolled erosion control product (RECP) was presented at the annual Highway Superintendents School, sponsored by the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) in Ithaca, N.Y. in June. This annual 2-day school brings together more than 500 New York municipal and county highway superintendents for lectures and demonstrations on subjects such as planning, safety, and basic engineering issues.

More than 115 attendees at the school observed the presentation, which was coordinated by Dave Suits of the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) and Laurie Honnigford of the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC). The demonstration started with a brief description by Honnigford about what the participants would see, followed by the installation.

The RECP was installed on a small slope on the Ithaca College campus where springtime erosion often occured. The goal was to minimize the seasonal erosion and to establish vegetation on the slope.

The college’s maintenance department prepared the slope for the installation, following guidelines presented on an ECTC video. Then ECTC representatives Mark Myrowich, John Kosar, Bill Ragen, and Rick Geissler did the actual installation. Upon completion, the Ithaca College maintenance staff watered the slope.

Suits said that additional education ventures are planned, such as the LTAP program at Cornell University in Ithaca offering two 1½-day “Geosynthetics in Pavements” short courses. He also noted that other demonstrations and various geosynthetics short courses, are available through NAGS: nagsdirector@

David Suits, NAGS Executive Director.

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