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Nov. 8 ASDSO webinar

News | October 28, 2016 | By:

Intro to tailings dam and coal ash impoundment design, construction and monitoring: What can go wrong and right?

12 p.m. (ET), Tuesday, Nov.8

A large difference between water storage dams versus tailings dams and coal ash impoundments is that these industrial structures are always under construction. This provides the opportunity to optimize design and construction, but places an emphasis on ongoing evaluation and monitoring. This course provides an overview of the unique construction and design components of these facilities. This course will examine a number of recent failures that have plagued the industry but provide valuable lessons for the future.

Key takeaways from participating in this webinar include:

  1. Construction technologies for tailings dams and coal ash impoundments.
  2. Lessons from failures.
  3. Material characterization from in situ field investigations and laboratory testing.
  4. Construction conditions and seismic loading conditions.
  5. Instrumentation and the observational method.


Richard R. Davidson, P.E. is a senior principal and vice president of AECOM.

Christina Winckler, PE is a senior geotechnical engineer at AECOM.

Source: ASDSO

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