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XTRM Ply Textured rLLDPE

| February 1, 2020 | By:

E Squared

XTRM Ply Textured linear low-density polyethylene (rLLDPE) is a sustainable solution for the oil and gas industries, infrastructure, tank liners, containment pits, leach ponds and secondary containment. This new line of string-reinforced LLDPE by e2/EPT is a composite membrane with the specific properties required for geomembranes and other demanding applications. e2/ EPT has specially formulated its LLDPE fabric for high resistance to chemicals and ultraviolet light, and offers the material with a puncture- and tear-resistant string-reinforced scrim. It is ideal for use in solid and hazardous waste landfills, construction and demolition (C&D) landfills, mining, industrial, municipal water and wastewater treatment. It is 120 inches wide.

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