The first-ever GeoCharlotte one-day session Oct. 20, 2016, drew engineers and exhibitors to Charlotte, N.C., for geosynthetics education and networking.
The show-within-a-show (GeoCharlotte was conducted in the midst of the Industrial Fabrics Association International’s annual Expo.) also previewed the March 12–15, 2017, Geotechnical Frontiers conference, co-organized by IFAI, its Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA), and the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The GeoCharlotte agenda included three half-day short courses, lunch, and networking with exhibitors, and an afternoon featuring three training lectures and a panel discussion.
Panel discussion
Pavement Interlayers: Benefits and Best Practices
Panelists: Jeff Rasche (TenCate), Nicholas Reck (Tensar), Nilesh Surti (NCDOT), Tripp Bishop (American Paving Fabrics), Bill Leahy (National Highway Maintenance Systems).
Panel advisors: Mike Samueloff (Huesker Inc.) and Mark Marienfeld (Propex).
Training lectures
Geotextile-Encased Columns: A Foundation System for Embankments on Very Soft Soil
Lecturer: Lilma Schimmel, MSCE, P.E., Engineering Department Head, Huesker Inc.
Anchor-Reinforced Vegetation Systems (ARVS) for Shallow Plane Slope Stabilization
Lecturer: Drew Loizeaux, Engineering Specialist, Propex Operating Co. LLC
Proven Geosynthetic Closure Solutions for CCR, MSW, Mining, and Hazardous Waste Impoundments / Landfills
Lecturer: Chris Eichelberger, Vice President, Technical Marketing, Agru America
Three concurrent short courses
Business and Ethics Insights for Engineers
This four-hour session included four presentations focused on the business and ethical aspects of being an engineer.
Ethics and Safety for Engineers
Presented by the Geoprofessional Business Association
D.GE Certification: What is it?
Why is it important?
Presented by Ray E. Martin, Ph.D, P.E. D.GE, F.ASCE, Academy of Geo-Professionals
Think Like an Entrepreneur: How to Effectively Manage Your Career or Company to Maximize Success
Presented by Rick De La Guardia, DLG Engineering
Geosynthetics applications
Geosynthetics in Drainage and Filtration Applications: Design Principles and Practices
Instructor: Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E.
Knowledge for Better Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced MSE Structures
Instructor: Michael Simac, Earth Improvement Technologies