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MS4 awards announced

News | November 22, 2022 | By:

During a ceremony at WEFTEC 2022, the Water Environment Federation Stormwater Institute bestowed its eighth-annual batch of National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards to 13 high-performing U.S. communities.

Also known as the MS4 Awards, the program was developed in 2015 by WEF and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to celebrate regulated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) who go above and beyond the requirements of their permits to protect human health and the environment. Nominees are either Phase I or Phase II MS4 permittees, who undergo a rigorous review by a committee of stormwater management experts that ultimately selects three MS4

Award winners included an overall winner, a program management winner, and an innovation winner. In addition, other applicants receive a rank of either gold, silver, or bronze in both program management and innovation, intended to benchmark their operations against other stormwater organizations of similar size. You can read more about the winners here.

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