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Geocells for railway track beds focus of webinar

Events | February 11, 2022 | By:

Jie Han to present webinar hosted by GMA/Geosynthetics magazine on improving performance of ballast using geocells for railway track beds.

Photograph of Jie Han, professor at the University of Kansas, who will present in a March 1, 2022, webinar about geocells for railway track beds.
Jie Han, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, will speak about using geocells for railway track beds in the webinar.

The Geosynthetic Materials Association and Geosynthetics magazine will sponsor the webinar, “Use of Geocells to Improve Performance of Railway Track Beds,” on March 1, 2022, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. EST. The webinar is free for IFAI members and nonmembers. Professional development hour (PDH) credits are available.

Geocells for railway track beds webinar details

Railway track bed consists of layers of ballast and subballast on subgrade soils. Ballast degradation can rapidly occur under heavy axle loadings over soft subgrade soils. Ballast excessive deformation and failure can lead to train speed reduction, track downtime, and costly maintenance and repairs. Stabilization of ballast using geocells for railway track beds reduces vertical pressures distributed onto the subgrade, prevents subgrade bearing failure and reduces subgrade deformation. Geocell-stabilized ballast significantly reduces ballast movement, aggregate rotation and breakage, and rail settlement, thus resulting in increased railway track life and long-term performance. This webinar will start with possible problems of ballast degradation, explain mechanisms of geocell stabilization, demonstrate benefits of geocell stabilization through past and recent research, provide guidance of design, and present case studies of geocell stabilization to solve real problems in the field.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the benefits of geocells for railway track beds from past research and testing
  • Learn how geocell stabilization can reduce vertical ballast pressure and ballast movement
  • Understand the typical applications for geocell ballast stabilization
  • Learn how to apply geocell stabilization to extend rail life and reduce maintenance

About the speaker

Jie Han, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, is the Glenn L. Parker Professor of Geotechnical Engineering in the Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. He is a board governor of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-Institute, a council member of the International Geosynthetics Society, chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Transportation Earthworks committee, and chief editor of the journal Frontiers in Built Environment. Han has gained extensive teaching, research and industry experiences in geosynthetics, ground improvement, pile foundations, buried structures and roadways. He is the author of Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement (2015) and has published 450 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Han has been invited to give more than 200 keynote/invited lectures and short courses around the world, including the State of the Practice Lecture at the 21st Annual George F. Sowers Symposium in Atlanta, Ga., in 2018; the 18th UK IGS Lecture in London in 2018; and the 3rd Robert M. Koerner Award Lecture in 2021. He has received numerous awards from the profession including the 2014 International Geosynthetics Society Award, the 2017 ASCE Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award and the 2018 ASCE Kansas City Section Engineer of Year Award. Han was selected as an ASCE Fellow in 2014.

For more information or to register, visit the webinar’s home page on the Industrial Fabrics Association International website.

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