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Koerner announces GSI ascendancy plan

News | May 30, 2024 | By:

One of the big announcements at the 5th Pan-American Conference On Geosynthetics (GeoAmericas 2024) in Toronto came from George Koerner who announced that he is stepping down as director of the Geosynthetics Institute (GSI) but is not retiring in 2025. “I’m transitioning but certainly not ending my duties,” Koerner said. “GSI is alive and well. It will be getting new leadership but I am certainly not retiring.”

An ad hoc committee has been formed to come up with an ascendancy plan for the future of GSI. GSI is currently accepting proposals for transitioning its operations for the future. GSI’s mission is to “develop and transfer knowledge, assess and critique geosynthetics, and provide service to the member organizations.” GSI is in the business of research, information, education, laboratory accreditation and inspector certification as it relates to geosynthetics.

GSI’s current leadership is aging and its board has agreed that it is time to transition to new leadership, which will manage the institute going forward. Koerner explained that the ascendancy may take, but is not limited to, hiring a new director and staff for its existing location, moving GSI to a new location while still running the institute as a 501(c) 3 organization, obtaining university affiliation and moving to a new location near campus, or moving to an affiliate overseas: Bombay Textile Research Association (BTRA), Fiti Testing and Research Institute (FITI) or the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST).

RFPs are being accepted for this transition. Both a written submittal and oral presentation will be reviewed and evaluated via a scorecard by GSI’s ad hoc ascendancy committee. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, contact GSI for the complete proposal document and scorecard. Written proposals are due by September 20, 2024. Oral presentations will be scheduled thereafter with the ad hoc committee.

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