Contech Engineered Solutions presents the webinar – Beneath the Surface: Exploring Underground Stormwater Detention Material Options – on December 7, 2023 at 2 p.m. EST. Participants earn 1 Professional Development Hour (PDH) and you can register here.
The choice of materials directly affects the performance, longevity, and costs of stormwater detention systems. A thorough understanding of available materials options empowers civil engineers to design stormwater detention systems that are efficient, cost-effective, and easy to maintain.
In this webinar, Contech engineers will give engineers the information they need to evaluate and select the best detention material for use on various sites.
What You Will Learn
How engineers solved stormwater storage challenges on four unique projects
Four material options for underground storage and when to use each one
How to reduce long-term maintenance costs by design with maintenance in mind
The Presenters
Robert Chapman is the director of product & analytics at Contech. He has extensive experience in manufacturing, engineering, marketing and product development. He has brought numerous products to market in various divisions within Contech using his unique and creative approach. Robert holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and technology from Purdue University and an MBA from Miami University Oxford School of Business.
Chris Landt is a stormwater consultant and regulatory manager in Contech’s Southeast Region with 25 years of design and permitting experience across the U.S. and Canada. Practiced in developing and applying new treatment technologies for civil engineering design, he studied construction management and environmental engineering at the University of Florida. His background in construction management and engineering consulting, prior to his current focus on stormwater, brings a diverse perspective to the industry.
Patrick Valentine, P.E., is a stormwater consultant with Contech for Southern Virginia. He has 10 years of experience designing manufactured stormwater treatment and detention systems with Contech. He is a professional engineer registered in Maryland, and has a bachelor’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from Virginia Tech.
Hannah Schlachter is Contech’s stormwater area director for the Northeast United States. She has been with Contech for 11 years, working previously in a number of roles including product manager and stormwater design engineer. Hannah holds both a B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from the University of Toledo and is based out of the corporate office in West Chester, Ohio.
Scott Sertich, P.E., is western stormwater manager and has 19 years of civil engineering experience, designing everything from houses to highways, with an emphasis on stormwater storage and treatment.