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IECA webinar – Getting The Most From Your IDDE Program – Nov. 9

News | November 3, 2023 | By:

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is presenting the webinar – Getting The Most From Your IDDE Program – on November 9, 2023, at 2 p.m. EST. It is presented by Heather Buck, CPSWQ, CPMSM, CESSWI, CISEC, of Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC; and you can register here.

Many regulated communities struggle with how to accomplish the requirements of the illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) minimum control measure (MCM). There are numerous approaches, methods, and uses for the information created and collected for this portion of the overall stormwater program. Further, some communities wonder how to best utilize the information in other areas of the program. 

The federal IDDE program requirements will serve as the basis for discussion, while examples of requirements from several states will also be given. This webinar will cover the basics for those who may need it, and enhancements or additions for those looking to grow their programs.

Following participation in the webinar, attendees should have a better knowledge of the basic IDDE components, the methods for assessing their IDDE program, and the various ways to use IDDE program data to enhance and drive other stormwater actions.

If you are unable to attend live you may sign up and receive access to the recording on-demand, posted shortly after the conclusion of the live webinar. Learn more about the IECA here.

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