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TenCate receives IAA geosynthetics project award

News | November 29, 2022 | By:

TenCate recently received the Outstanding Achievement Award in the area of Mines/Landfills/Wastewater at the 2022 International Achievement Awards (IAA) at the IFAI Expo in Charlotte, N.C. TenCate won for Lake McConaughy Geotextile Tube Shoreline Erosion Protection; Fabric name – TC1200MB Tri Composite Geotextile; Fabric producer – TenCate Geosynthetics.

TenCate received the Outstanding Achievement Award for Lake McConaughy Geotextile Tube Shoreline Erosion Protection; Fabric name – TC1200MB Tri Composite Geotextile; Fabric producer – TenCate Geosynthetics.

The purpose of this project was to stabilize the shoreline at the base of cliffs along Lake McConaughy in Keith County, Neb. The shoreline had been subjected to decades of wind, wave and ice erosion which was compromising the stability of homes built along the top of the cliffs. Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District (CNPPID) wanted a robust yet economical solution that would prevent erosion spanning from the toe up to 17.5 feet of the cliff face. A geotextile tube erosion control structure that could be filled using on-site materials was selected over importing costly stone.

To reach 17.5 feet high, the erosion control structure required three levels of geotextile tubes. Each layer has to be a minimum of 30 feet in circumference, and filled with a pumped sand slurry to a minimum of 5.5 feet high. The tubes were fabricated with flat ends to achieve a continuous level top surface of each level. The geotextiles tubes are exposed to the elements the majority of the year, so the geotextile must be a high-strength tri-composite that has high UV and abrasion resistance to withstand the impact of ice flow and debris.

The tri-composite geotextile from which the geotextile tubes were fabricated is unique because it is strong enough to fabricate 30-foot geotextile tube units that could be filled to 5.5 feet with pumped sand slurry. The units provide hurricane impact, abrasion protection, and UV resistance after installation. In addition, the three-layer design was complex to install with a 45° slope angle design terminating at the face of the cliff.

The 2022 International Achievement Awards (IAA) winners were selected based on complexity, design, workmanship, uniqueness and function. “Award of Excellence” and “Outstanding Achievement Award” recipients were showcased at the expo and recognized at a celebration of achievement.

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