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What is the CSI code for geosynthetics?

Q&A: GMA Techline | August 1, 2022 | By: George R. Koerner

Q: What is the CSI code for geosynthetics?

A: Originally founded in 1948, the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) is a United States national association of more than 8,000 construction industry professionals who are experts in building construction and the materials. It is the founding institution for organizing and coding specifications related to construction projects. The CSI is the organization that publishes the MasterFormat, which is the guiding numbering system to create consistency when comparing bids as well as organizing all construction documents and contracts. This publication is the specifications-writing standard for most of today’s construction and commercial building design projects in North America. The MasterFormat can be purchased at CSI codes, lists Geosynthetics (310519) with subsections for Geomembranes (310519.16), Geogrids (310519.19) and Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) (310519.23).  

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