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12 ICG abstracts deadline approaches

Events | February 15, 2022 | By:

The 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics (12 ICG)—to be held Sept. 17–21, 2023, in Rome, Italy—has set the 12 ICG abstracts deadline for Feb. 28, 2022.

Photograph of the Pons Cestius (Ponte Cestio) over the Tiber River at night in Rome, Italy, site of the 12 ICG.
The Pons Cestius over the Tiber River in Rome, Italy. Photograph by Stefano Losardo. Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Since 2020, the 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics (12 ICG) Organising Committee has taken up the global challenge by taking appropriate actions to ensure a safe environment for its events. Instead of moving into the digital world, the committee is planning on the 12ICG to be a successful in-person event in the beautiful and unique city of Rome, Italy. If you are planning to attend, please consider submitting an abstract. The 12 ICG abstracts deadline is Feb. 28, 2022.

Some abstracts highlights

  • Those interested in making an oral or poster presentation are invited to submit an abstract through the online abstracts submission system
  • All abstracts will undergo review by the Abstract Review Committee.
  • Those who already submitted an abstract can make adjustments to the submitted text or proceed with additional submissions.
  • Corrections to abstracts can only be made until the 12 ICG abstracts deadline. 
  • It is also possible to withdraw the previous submission or leave it in the system.

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