Q: On your GMA Techline website list of sample questions and answers, a question is asked about a recommendation for sewn versus welded seams for geotextiles. Bob Koerner answered this question by stating that you have done a study for joining geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) overlap seams via eight methods. Can you share that study with me?
A: I think the references about sewn versus welded seams for GCLs you are referring to are as follows:
Koerner, R. M., and Koerner, G. R. (2005). “In-situ separation of GCL panels beneath exposed geomembranes.” GRI White Paper #5, Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, Pa.
Koerner, G. R., and Koerner, R. M. (2015). “Destructive and nondestructive testing of GCL panel seams.” Proc., Geosynthetics Conf. 2015, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Roseville, Minn.
These publications are informative, but they spawned the following:
GRI GCL6: Practice for Field Seaming of Overlapped Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs)
GRI GCL7: Test Method for Determining the Tensile Shear Seam Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs)
GRI GCL8: Test Method for In-Situ Tensile Strength Verification of Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) Seams
These test methods and practices are practical and ready for field quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC).