Online event offers chance to expand your geosynthetic construction quality assurance (CQA) knowledge

The renowned geosynthetics CQA Week courses from TRI Environmental return Dec. 6–10, 2021, in a convenient online format. The live, half-day morning sessions can be used as preparation for the Geosynthetic Certification Institute–Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) exams, which will be offered on Dec. 10 (afternoon). This is essential professional development for new and experienced personnel in waste management, landfill construction, CQA and affiliated sectors requiring geosynthetic containment technologies.
- Dec. 6: Liner Integrity Surveys
- Dec. 7 and 8: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations
- Dec. 9 and 10: Construction QA/QC for Compacted Clay Liner and GCL Installation
- Dec. 10: Geosynthetic Certification Institute–Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) Exams
Learn more in the CQA Week brochure (PDF).
All classes run from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (CST), with the Dec. 10 morning CQA class ending around 11:15 a.m. to allow for transition time before the GCI-ICP exams. The exams will be offered from 12 to 3:30 p.m. that day.
All participants will be provided a certificate of course completion, suitable for use in proposals and statements of qualifications for CQC/CQA work.
Register now to get the best rate. For more information, contact Sam Allen,, +1 512 615 4415.