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Episode 2 of IFAI Talking Textiles podcast is now available

News | October 1, 2021 | By:

We invite you to listen to IFAI’s new podcast on AppleGoogle, Spotify, Libsyn and on the IFAI website, Episode 2 is titled “Catching up with Conroy’s House of Canvas.”

About the podcast

After dedicating his entire career to the textile shade industry, Canadian business-owner John Conroy, House of Canvas, now finds himself in the challenging position of transitioning his canvas business over to his three sons. In this episode of “Talking Textiles” we explore Conroy’s early experiences, his leadership and passion for the textile industry, as well as capture nuggets of his wisdom. Conroy’s sons share on growing up in the canvas business, their current roles and the future of the canvas business. The podcast is hosted by Mark Tyrrell, LaSalle Canvas, and Alex Petizian, Naizil Coated Fabrics.

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