Found 411 results.

Eliminating erosion runoff at a Canadian quarry’s stockpile slope

August 1, 2007

…and rock material that has no topsoil, making it extremely difficult to revegetate and susceptible to erosion. Unless an effective control method was implemented, runoff from erosion of the stockpile…

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A river runs through it: Displacement of Serbia’s Kolubara

June 1, 2007

…Combinations of compacted clay liner (CCL) and highly extensible rubber EPDM geomembrane with geotextile protection were selected to satisfy design requirements. At the completion of Phase I, more than 100,000m2…

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Use of geosynthetics in deicing facilities at the Cleveland airport

June 1, 2007

…leakage, with a separate underdrain system installed between the tank bottom and the GCL. A network of HDPE pipes collects runoff from the pads and transports it by gravity to…

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Geomembrane raincoat liners in the mining heap leach industry

April 1, 2007

…cover (EGC) that minimizes rain stormwater infiltration into the ore heap fill and diverts cover surface storm runoff to the natural drainages (see Thiel and Smith, 2004, for a general…

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Geocell, grid, and reinforced-soil in restoring eroded steep slopes

April 1, 2007

…slopes of a ravine between the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and a subdivision near Tacoma, Wash. The erosion ruptured two storm drains and left undermined slopes that continued to ravel and…

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Junction-strength requirements for roadway design, construction

February 1, 2007

…quality control and meeting minimum constructability requirements. Pavement performance is evaluated based on serviceability (i.e., permanent deformation, a.k.a. rutting, over the life of the pavement) as opposed to a failure…

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Liner integrity/leak-location survey: The significance of boundary conditions

February 1, 2007

…is underlain by sand, and as would be essential where it is placed on the 30-mil-thick “rub” sheet. This survey demonstrates the need to consider the structural requirements for an…

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Geocomposite capillary barrier drain (GCBD) for limiting moisture changes in pavements

October 1, 2006

…Evaluation of a prototype. By Ruth Roberson, John Stormont, and Karen Henry Abstract Excess moisture coupled with inadequate drainage are believed to be the primary causes of roadway…

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Geofoam provides lightweight fill for York Bridge in Washington

August 1, 2006

…asphalt layers. Using this technique made it possible to raise the road elevation. In fact, to raise it enough so that the Sammamish River Trail now runs under the new…

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Retaining-wall dialog: ‘A tale of two walls’

August 1, 2006

…I agreed that my submission would be better served in a letter to the editor, where I would be allowed more latitude in opinion. Al Ruckman and I own Soil…

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