U.S. Bank Stadium geosynthetic reinforced stress relief wall
February 1st, 2020
Design, construction and fire damage mitigation By Nathan M. Lichty, Stephan M. Gale and Timothy P. Bendell Demolition of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome stadium in Minneapolis, Minn., occurred in 2014 and subsequent construction of U.S. Bank Stadium (Figure 1), the home of the Minnesota Vikings and host of the 2018 Super Bowl, occurred between […]
Repairing an oil well platform with a geogrid reinforced soil slope
October 1st, 2019
By Jeff A. Segar The Mormon Butte site is in the Little Missouri National Grassland in the Badlands region of western North Dakota (Figure 1). Constructed in 1985 and leased through the U.S. Forest Service, the pad elevation was created by cutting into the side of the butte and depositing the spoils at a 1H:1V […]
Geogrid reinforced soil structures reach new heights
June 1st, 2019
By Sachin Mandavkar and Mehari Weldu FIGURE 1 U.S. Route 460 RSS during construction Reinforced soil structures are geotechnical systems consisting of reinforcing elements and primarily include mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls and reinforced soil slopes (RSS) (Figure 1). MSE walls and RSS are constructed by placing alternating layers of reinforcement and compacted soil behind […]
Geosynthetics for reinforcement and stabilization
June 1st, 2019
Geosynthetics are widely used for reinforcement and stabilization, particularly in transportation-related applications, including base stabilization, reinforced soil slopes (RSS) and mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. This issue of Geosynthetics considers many such applications from multiple viewpoints. Sachin Mandavkar and Mehari Weldu look at very tall MSE walls and RSS through several case studies in “Geogrid […]
Expanding a lakeside road with a reinforced soil slope
April 1st, 2019
Reconstruction of Hennepin County State Aid Highway 112 is a multi-phase project. Phase 1 was completed in fall 2018. Phase 1 included reconstruction and widening of the existing roadway as well as the construction of a bike trail between the road and the lake. The roadway/trail alignment is adjacent to the shoreline of Minnesota’s Long […]
Yeager Airport: Deconstruction and reconstruction of the side of a mountain
April 1st, 2019
Yeager Airport is located on top of a series of leveled mountains in Charleston, W.Va. Completion of the original airport construction in the 1940s required 9 million cubic yards (6.9 million m3) of soil and rock earthwork (Keller 2017). In 2005, due to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety requirements, it was necessary to construct a […]
Geosynthetics magazine offers free sponsored webinar on natural facings for steep slopes and walls
October 24th, 2018
Geosynthetics magazine will present the Tensar Corp.-sponsored webinar “Natural Facings for Better Performance and Value on Very Steep Slopes and Walls” on November 8 at 1:00 p.m. EST. This presentation will provide a case study example of how natural facings provide better performance and value on very steep slopes and walls. Steve Luptak, national product […]
Geosynthetics magazine offers free sponsored webinar on natural facings for steep slopes and walls
October 9th, 2018
Geosynthetics magazine will present the Tensar Corp.-sponsored webinar “Natural Facings for Better Performance and Value on Very Steep Slopes and Walls” on November 8 at 1:00 p.m. EST. This presentation will provide a case study example of how natural facings provide better performance and value on very steep slopes and walls. Steve Luptak, national product […]
GWFV walls and slopes
October 1st, 2017
New patented technology is available to construct geosynthetic wrap-face vegetated (GWFV) retaining walls and reinforced soil slopes using a pyramidal-woven, high-performance turf reinforcement mat (HPTRM) in conjunction with fiber-composite internal braces. This wrap-face system eliminates the need for temporary external bracing (formwork) or for facing elements comprised of metallic wire-frame units, which traditionally have served […]