Geosynthetic Institute announces RFP
July 17th, 2024
GSI is in the process of transitioning to the next generation of leadership and venue. For the past 40 years, the Geosynthetic Institute has been directed by someone in the Koerner family (Robert (1984-2014) and George (2015-present). It is now time for someone else to take the reins and help move the institute forward. The […]
GMA history, Part 2
June 1st, 2020
During the Geosynthetics CASE STUDIES Conference in March in North Charleston, S.C., a few of the past Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) leaders had an opportunity to address the gathering and recall their personal experiences and achievements when they chaired the GMA executive council. This is the second installment of the history of GMA. Beginning in […]
GMA history and happenings
April 1st, 2020
By Andrew Aho Throughout the history of geosynthetics, leaders have emerged who have significantly affected the growth of the industry in North America. During the Geosynthetics CASE STUDIES Conference in March in North Charleston, S.C., a few of the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) leaders had an opportunity to address the gathering and recall their personal […]
Editorial: Geosynthetics for multiple applications
October 1st, 2017
If you are reading this publication, you obviously have an interest in geosynthetics, as this magazine is unlikely to appeal to people whose primary professional interests are taxidermy, snow-crystal study or calligraphy. We aim to please, and this issue touches on many types of geosynthetics, from geogrids to geomembranes, and many applications of geosynthetics, from […]
Using geosynthetics for macroencapsulation for CCR on-site clean closure
August 1st, 2017
Coal combustion residuals (CCR) have been used for many years in the construction of berms and engineered structural fill applications, including embankments for highways, dikes, and levees. However, large, unencapsulated structural fill projects have become a focus of environmental concerns due to potential leaching of metals and structural failures. Cap-in-place of CCR surface impoundments is […]