
NHI hosting course on earth retaining structures in New Mexico and California

April 30th, 2018

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Highway Institute (NHI) will host a three-day instructor-led course on earth retaining structures twice this summer, in Sacramento, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. The course (Course Number FHWA-NHI-132036) will provide state-of-the-practice design tools and construction techniques to expand implementation of safe and cost-effective earth retention technologies, NHI said. […]

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HUESKER offers free webinar on using GRS for retaining structures

August 3rd, 2017

HUESKER is presenting a free webinar on using geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) for retaining structures on August 24, 2017, at 1:30 p.m. EDT. Hosted by HUESKER Engineering Department head Lilma Schimmel, the webinar will offer an overview of using GRS technology for safe construction of steepened, settlement-resistant walls and slopes. The low-cost method includes fast, […]

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