Transforming the geosynthetics world
April 1st, 2022
In this special issue of Geosynthetics magazine, we examine the rapidly evolving world of geosynthetics and sustainability with the timely, future-oriented feature by geosynthetics veteran Boyd Ramsey, “Geosynthetics and Sustainability: How Is Our Industry Doing?” Sustainability is a complex issue. In his feature, Ramsey looks at how geosynthetics companies and organizations are rising to the […]
Complex geosynthetic liner system for the 70 Ranch Raw Water Reservoir
April 1st, 2022
FIGURE 1 North end of reservoir showing slope panels transitioned into bottom panels and staged cover soils placement on bottom panels Irrigation water in the western United States has always been a major concern for farming and ranching, especially in drought years. Water can be both scarce and expensive, and planning for future water storage […]
Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority taps Layfield Geosynthetics for floating cover for reservoir
November 10th, 2021
Photograph courtesy of Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority (PWSA) chose Layfield Geosynthetics (USA) for the supply and installation of a new chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) liner and floating cover system for the Highland 2 Reservoir. The project includes demolition of the old liner and cover and fabrication and construction of a […]
Reviving the Palos Verdes Reservoir—Part 4
August 1st, 2019
By John Heap and Chris Kelsey The active site work for the Palos Verdes Reservoir’s substantial update began in late 2016, advanced primarily throughout 2018 and concluded in the second quarter of 2019 with the filling of the reservoir. The project was immense for everyone involved, and with that has come the expected excitement, challenges […]
Reviving the Palos Verdes Reservoir, Part 3
February 1st, 2019
California’s water infrastructure is one of the most challenged systems in the United States due to the large population it supports, the age of much of the water infrastructure, and the diverse environments—mountains, coastlines, old-growth forests, deserts—found in the state. The water infrastructure is also one of the country’s most advanced systems, in part due […]
Reviving the Palos Verdes Reservoir—Part 2
April 1st, 2018
The October/November 2016 issue of Geosynthetics published Part 1 of this series on revitalizing the Palos Verdes Reservoir in Los Angeles County, California. That article described the approach to revitalizing the site, as well as the five-month-long geosynthetic manufacturing and fabrication phase. In Part 2, we continue to explore more of the inner workings for […]