Sustainability comes natural to the erosion and sediment control industry
April 1st, 2023
Sustainable materials are the central part of the erosion control industry and the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC). ECTC is a leading industry organization home to top manufacturers of erosion and sediment control products, component suppliers, material distributors and test laboratories. ECTC members are dedicated to advancing the knowledge, experience and expertise of erosion and […]
Green MSE walls and erosion and sediment control applications
October 1st, 2022
Figure 1. Badly eroded roadside slope adjacent to stream before restoration Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls are becoming more common in today’s landscape. Keeping soil in place during construction (erosion control), addressing stormwater contaminated with sediment-laden runoff during construction (sediment control), and providing successful revegetation after construction activities are all challenges that are commonly solved […]
Geosynthetics and erosion control
February 1st, 2018
Terra firma often does not morph in ways that modern society appreciates. Erosion from stormwater, snowmelt, long-term water flow and unrelenting waves sweep away soil and rock from steep slopes, riverbanks, ditches, channels, shorelines, building foundations and much more. To understand the power of erosion, simply think about the Grand Canyon, which was formed by […]
‘A database and analysis of 236 failed MSE walls using geosynthetic reinforcement’
September 6th, 2016
GSI’s September webinar Webinar overview Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, berms, and slopes with geosynthetic reinforcement have been developed since the 1970s, first with geotextiles and then geogrids. Our estimate is that approximately 50,000 exist and the technology is utilized worldwide. Unfortunately, there have been many failures, some with excessive distortion while others have actually […]