GMA is busy this spring and summer
June 1st, 2022
Government affairs, infrastructure spending and planning have been the watchwords for the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) this spring. In April GMA hosted three morning geosynthetics sessions as part of the annual Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) Outlook Conference, the premier leadership event for industries represented by IFAI’s 13 divisions. This year’s conference was held at […]
GMA returns to Washington
April 1st, 2022
L to R: Erol Tutumluer of the University of Illinois, Jennifer Nicks of the Federal Highway Administration and outgoing chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Geosynthetics (AKG80), and Nancy Whiting of TRB. Tutumluer and Whiting are giving Nicks a certificate of appreciation for her six years of service as committee chair. […]
Geosynthetic Materials Association has been busy (more to come)
February 1st, 2022
Eleven leaders from the geosynthetics industry came together in Washington, D.C., Oct. 19–20, 2021, to participate in the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) fall Lobby Day 2021. During Lobby Day, GMA members advocated for specific language related to geosynthetics in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), then under consideration in the House of Representatives. The […]
Fall Lobby Day, GeoNashville and Geosynthetic Materials Association Executive Council happenings
October 1st, 2021
GMA is considering options for fall Lobby Day. Photograph courtesy Diego Delso,, License CC-BY-SA Are you registered for the Fall 2021 Lobby Day, Oct. 20, in Washington, D.C.? Will we see you in person at GeoNashville, Nov. 4–5? As you are reading this, we are preparing for the first two returns to in-person activities […]
GeoNashville and fall Lobby Day
August 1st, 2021
You need to open your calendar and block off Nov. 4–5, 2021, to join us in Nashville, Tenn., for the return to an in-person geosynthetics conference, GeoNashville. The conference features plenary presentations from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as they look at the […]
GMA on virtual conference, resin prices and Lobby Day
June 1st, 2021
The 2021 Geosynthetics Virtual Conference has come and gone, but not before providing access to all the recorded content through May 1. With the unlimited access that the virtual platform provided, attendees were able to listen to presentations that provided up to 40 professional development hours (PDHs), an advantage not normally available through a regular […]
Chair’s corner and GMA happenings
April 1st, 2021
By Bryan Gee What’s in a name? For those of us who work in the geosynthetics industry, this question may be more important than you think. A recent call with a high-level federal policy maker brought this home to me. With no prior knowledge of our industry, this person did not understand what geosynthetic materials […]
Chair’s corner and GMA happenings
February 1st, 2021
By Bryan Gee As we move into 2021, I hope all of you are finding renewed optimism for your businesses and your personal lives, and that you remain healthy or are regaining your health as we look forward to the waning of the pandemic. The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) continues our many efforts to advance […]
New GMA leadership and socially distanced activities
August 1st, 2020
The executive council of the Geosynthetics Materials Association (GMA) has a new chair and first vice chair. Bryan Gee, the director of education and training for Tensar International Corp., has ascended to the chair of GMA, while Steve Thaxton, the business development leader of geosynthetics for Owens Corning, has assumed the position of first vice […]
GMA history, Part 2
June 1st, 2020
During the Geosynthetics CASE STUDIES Conference in March in North Charleston, S.C., a few of the past Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) leaders had an opportunity to address the gathering and recall their personal experiences and achievements when they chaired the GMA executive council. This is the second installment of the history of GMA. Beginning in […]