Maximizing landfill airspace with geosynthetics
February 10th, 2022
Watershed Geo ClosureTurf final cover system plays a big role in maximizing landfill airspace at two landfills on the East Coast. Illustration courtesy Watershed Geo For landfill owners and operators, maximizing landfill airspace is a critical component in contributing to the bottom line of their business. The Watershed Geo ClosureTurf final cover system eliminates the […]
Geosynthetic grain pile cover system secures grain storage
February 2nd, 2022
Raven Engineered Films' advanced geosynthetic grain pile cover strapping system secures covers, providing long-lasting protection against wind and weather. Custom-fabricated to fit piles of any shape and size, Raven Engineered Films’ DuraCinch Strapping System is designed to secure grain covers in extreme elements, providing greater and longer-lasting protection for major grain pile storage. Photograph courtesy […]
GSI to host webinar on hydraulic applications
June 30th, 2021
The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will sponsor a webinar, “Geomembranes in Hydraulic Applications (dams, canals, reservoirs, tunnels, pipes),”on July 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT. Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) member companies and their employees receive discounted rates on all GSI webinar and short course registrations. By 2040 it is estimated that two billion people […]
Reviving the Palos Verdes Reservoir—Part 4
August 1st, 2019
By John Heap and Chris Kelsey The active site work for the Palos Verdes Reservoir’s substantial update began in late 2016, advanced primarily throughout 2018 and concluded in the second quarter of 2019 with the filling of the reservoir. The project was immense for everyone involved, and with that has come the expected excitement, challenges […]
Reviving the Palos Verdes Reservoir, Part 3
February 1st, 2019
California’s water infrastructure is one of the most challenged systems in the United States due to the large population it supports, the age of much of the water infrastructure, and the diverse environments—mountains, coastlines, old-growth forests, deserts—found in the state. The water infrastructure is also one of the country’s most advanced systems, in part due […]
Automation of large-scale geotextile and geomembrane fabrication
October 1st, 2018
The development of a large-scale fabrication machine was conceived during the fabrication of geotextiles for a tailings pond cap in 2010. The machine joins five strips of material at a time to create fabricated panels for large projects. It is capable of both welding geomembranes and sewing high-strength geotextiles. This machine was specifically designed to […]
Reviving the Palos Verdes Reservoir—Part 2
April 1st, 2018
The October/November 2016 issue of Geosynthetics published Part 1 of this series on revitalizing the Palos Verdes Reservoir in Los Angeles County, California. That article described the approach to revitalizing the site, as well as the five-month-long geosynthetic manufacturing and fabrication phase. In Part 2, we continue to explore more of the inner workings for […]