
Comparative analysis of the flow and filtration capabilities of sediment retention devices—Part 2

April 1st, 2021

By James E. Sprague and C. Joel Sprague Sediment retention devices (SRDs) include silt fences, wattles, filter logs, compost socks and various types of stormwater inlet protectors. They are a widely used best management practice (BMP) to provide sediment filtration from stormwater runoff while allowing water passage. However, SRD performance varies greatly in flow rate […]

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Comparative analysis of the flow and filtration capabilities of sediment retention devices—Part 1

February 1st, 2021

By James E. Sprague and C. Joel Sprague Sediment retention devices (SRDs) include silt fences, wattles, filter logs, compost socks and various types of stormwater inlet protectors and are a widely used best management practice (BMP) to provide sediment filtration from stormwater runoff while allowing water passage. However, SRD performance varies greatly in flow rate […]

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