’23 summer highlights

August 1, 2023  |  GMA News

It’s been another busy summer for the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) and that activity will continue into the fall. We kicked off the summer in early May with our second Geosynthetic Infrastructure Morning at the Outlook Conference held at the Westin Poinsett in downtown Greenville, S.C.…
Mining and erosion control

August 1, 2023  |  ECTC News

Erosion control, sediment control, revegetation and dewatering activities are common at mining sites. The Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) is a leading industry organization home to top manufacturers of erosion and sediment control products, component suppliers, material distributors and te…
Need for substitute surfactant for ASTM D5397

August 1, 2023  |  GSI News

It has been brought to our attention by the ASTM task group regarding ASTM D5397, Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Stress Crack Resistance of Polyolefin Geomembranes Using Notched Constant Tensile Load Test, that the surfactant used in this experiment (Igepal CO-630) is a regulated substance i…
IGS North America update: Education in the spotlight

August 1, 2023  |  IGS-NA

IGS North America (IGS-NA) has an educational mission, focused on both today’s contributors to the civil engineering field and tomorrow’s (students). With regard to students, the 2023-2024 IGS-NA board has numerous irons in the fire.
Road slope stability in Auckland, New Zealand

August 1, 2023  |  Final Inspection

Red Hills is a 400-lot residential development situated in Westgate, Auckland, New Zealand. This north-facing, elevated greenfield site sits on sloping land, with steep batters surrounding each block of housing to create the maximum amount of usable land. With some slopes steeper than 1V:2H, there w…