The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) announced the formation of the BIM/Digitalisation (DFI Europe) Committee. The goal of this committee, which liaises with DFI’s Project Information Management Systems Committee, is to promote digitalization and BIM (Building Information Modeling) processes within the European membership and the wider geotechnical industry worldwide.
The committee will discuss and develop guidance in the application of digital data and process to ground engineering, including the following areas/actions:
- Explain the process of digital data and its role in BIM through the project life cycle.
- Identify standards and guidance from across Europe regarding the application of BIM to the geotechnical aspects of projects.
- Encourage standardization of data formats between countries and organizations to facilitate coordination.
- Provide guidance on how best to adopt BIM within geotechnical projects.
- Identify challenges and opportunities faced by digitalization.
- Work with other organizations who are developing tools and protocols for the geotechnical industry to ensure these tools are practical, beneficial and compatible across other practices.
- Compare with other parts of the world as a benchmark for the industry.
The committee is being chaired by Jason Boddy, associate director at Arup, where he leads the geotechnics team in the Newcastle office in the U.K. Boddy has 24 years of experience in the geotechnical field and has worked on projects all over the world, including the design of piled foundations, retaining walls, slopes and landslide stabilization, earthworks, ground improvement and bridge foundations. He has additional experience with extensive desk study and ground investigation, building foundation and basement design, brownfield site reclamation, and instrumentation and monitoring. Boddy is the global manager of Arup’s Geotechnical Skills Network, a member of Arup’s Global Digital Geotechnics Task Group, and
has chaired national conferences on technical and digital innovation in geotechnics.
To learn more about the committee visit