Geosynthetics 2019 is now accepting proposals for volunteers to chair sessions, teach short courses and moderate panels at the premier conference on geosynthetics, to be held Feb. 10–13, 2019, at the Marriott Marquis Houston in Texas.
The conference, sponsored by the Industrial Fabrics Association International, will feature four days of technical programming, including short courses, panel discussions and paper presentations, as well as three days of exhibits. The conference offers key opportunities to network with your peers, and share with them innovations and new ideas in geotechnical engineering using geosynthetics.
Call for Proposals Submission Timeline
Proposal deadline: Nov. 27, 2017
Acceptance notification: Dec. 18, 2017
Call for Session Proposals/Topics
The Call for Session Proposals/Topics is your opportunity to be a Session Chair for the topic of your choice during Geosynthetics 2019. These topics will be selected by authors during abstract submission and become the Technical Sessions held during the conference.
Session Chairs for Technical Paper sessions review all abstracts and papers submitted for their chosen topic during the Call for Abstracts (Jan. 12–April 6, 2018), and work with authors throughout the entire paper process, including moderating the session onsite.
Session Chairs for Panel Discussions invite panelists, work with the panelists to develop all aspects of the format and content of the discussion, and moderate the panel discussion onsite.
Session formats include presentation of technical papers, invited paper sessions and panel discussions. Technical sessions will be 90 minutes in length. Multiple sessions with a related theme are possible.
Proposal submissions should include a title and description of the proposed topic, and any additional ideas you have for soliciting papers in addition to the formal Call for Abstracts.
Call for Short Courses Proposals
Geosynthetics 2019 is committed to providing in-depth educational opportunities for participants. Short Courses will be eight hours in length and will be held on Feb. 10, 2019. Short Course instructors are compensated for their time.
Proposals should include the course title, a description of the course with a summary of its learning objectives and a list of instructors.
For more information or to submit your proposal, visit