On Mar. 27, 2017, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed into law a bill allocating an additional $400 million for state transportation projects, to be spent in the next three months. The law specifies $260 million for road and bridge projects.
The spending is in addition to the $1.6 billion the state has already dedicated to road and bridge work from its Transportation Trust Fund for the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.
“DOT is ready. The project list is done. There’s something in all 21 counties across the state, so everyone is going to see improvement from this in every corner of the state of New Jersey,” Gov. Christie said, according to NorthJersey.com.
Gov. Christie called for the additional transportation spending in his budget address in February. The Democratic-led legislature fell behind the request and passed the bill.
“A supplemental bill of this magnitude—$400 million for shovel-ready projects—puts people back to work and it’s a jolt to our economy,’ said assembly speaker Vincent Prieto, D-Secaucus.