Thursday, October 20, 2016
Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte N.C.
8 a.m.–12 p.m.: Three Concurrent Short Courses
Ethics for Engineers (TBD)
Geoprofessional Business Association (invited)
Geosynthetics in Drainage and Filtration Applications
Instructor: Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E.
Geosynthetics have been traditionally used as drains and filters for decades (e.g., in trench drains, cutoff drains, retaining wall toe drains, base drains and chimney drains, building wall drains, roadway underdrains and edge drains, and hard armor erosion control systems). As with any construction material, they must be properly specified based on sound design procedures to provide effective solutions in civil engineering projects. Geosynthetics can be easily and quickly installed and can avoid or minimize the utilization of natural drainage materials. This short course will present the typical geosynthetic products that can be used as filters and drains, the basis for design and specification as well as the description of case histories. Design methods are reviewed for both geosynthetics and conventional drains and these systems are compared on the basis of performance, cost benefit, and sustainability.
Knowledge for Better Design of Geosynthetic Reinforced MSE Structures
Instructor: Michael Simac, Earth Improvement Technologies
This course is intended for geotechnical, civil, and structural engineers who want to expand their abilities to plan, analyze, design, and investigate geosynthetic reinforced mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures. Previous MSE design experience is helpful but not required. After a brief introduction of MSE design guidelines and procedures, this session will focus on the most common problems associated with poor MSE structure performance, and how to address those issues from an engineering design perspective. This knowledge of past experiences will allow designers to focus their analytical, investigative, observational, and geotechnical data interpretation techniques to improve performance on future MSE designs, through focused design procedures, better construction drawings and details, specifications, internal drainage design, and quality assurance testing for special inspection requirements. The MSE designer’s interaction with the project team—owner, contractor, architect, site/civil and geotechnical engineers, will be discussed as to its effects on site planning, utility location and performance, and overlapping design/professional responsibilities.
12–1 p.m.: Exhibits Open / Lunch
1–3:45 p.m.: Training Lectures
Geotextile Encased Columns, A Foundation System for Embankments on Very Soft Soil
Lilma Schimmel, MSCE, P.E., Engineering Department Head, HUESKER Inc.
Geotextile encased columns (GECs) are part of a deep foundation system where the key element is a high-strength seamless geotextile encasement. The system was developed for embankment construction on very soft soils and is widely used in many countries. GECs mitigate settlement and work on such a way to accelerate consolidation time while providing support to large vertical loads.
Anchor Reinforced Vegetation Systems (ARVS) for Shallow Plane Slope Stabilization
Drew Loizeaux, Engineering Specialist, Propex Operating Co. LLC
The anchor reinforced vegetation system (ARVS) has become a proven technology for armoring channels, ponds, stream banks, levees, and other critical infrastructures against erosive forces and shallow plane slope instability. As an innovative solution, the ARVS utilizes a high-performance turf reinforcement mat (HPTRM) to reduce erosion and percussion driven earth anchors (PDEAs) to permanently secure the HPTRM and mechanically resist shallow soil mass movement. In order to provide a proven, yet economical solution to shallow plane slope instability, it is critical for an ARVS to be truly engineered, have a proven history, and possess the required attributes.
Proven Geosynthetic Closure Solutions for CCR, MSW, Mining and Hazardous Waste Impoundments / Landfills
Chris Eichelberger, Vice President Technical Marketing, Agru America
This discussion will address the evolving geosynthetic market by introducing and explaining three proven closure solutions utilized within the CCR, MSW, mining, and hazardous waste industries. An overview of the solutions, associated technical background and relevant case histories will be presented.
Panel Discussion—Pavement Interlayers: Benefits and Best Practices
TBD, Geosynthetic Materials Association
This interactive panel discussion will cover why and how to utilize pavement interlayers for construction.